Are you worried that your marketing strategy could use a little more zest as the year closes? Do you have budget and creative ideas that could be solidified now to start implementing your 2017 marketing plans?
Whether it’s to get a head start on powering your strategy for 2017 or there is leftover marketing budget to spike some last minute consumers and traffic for your brand, choose some of the following strategies and adapt them to align with your brand’s values.
Just a little bit of wisdom: Many of these strategies can either be implemented in house or outsourced to a qualified agency or expert. It’s always good to sit back and make sure employees don’t have too much on their plate and that the ball isn’t getting dropped in certain areas. Additionally, when strategies are outsourced, it’s super helpful to have an expert and outside perspective so don’t feel bad if there are certain areas you want to perfect but don’t think you can do it in house. Just keep in mind that it's important meet frequently with those who you have on a freelance or retainer partnership so that you always have a pulse on all branches of marketing.
This time of year is the perfect time to make sure you're budget and marketing plan is balanced with short term and long term strategies. Social media promotions are an example of effective short term strategies while spending budget to invest in a new strategy like influencer marketing would be considered a long-term initiative.
7 Ways for Marketers to Use Their End of Year Budgets

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