Many of the best affiliate publishers Versa Marketing works with are niche content sites. What do I mean by "best" and what do I mean by "niche content"? Well, by best, I mean the affiliates that are generating the highest ROI sales for our merchants and also making the biggest commissions. Niche content sites generally have a specific focus on a topic or theme that they write about and provide expertise on.
If you are a publisher creating a niche content site, pick a topic that you are familiar with, enjoy and want to write about. This could really be any interest that you have from photography to pets to travel or parenting. Then start writing. Professional affiliate marketing companies spin sites up constantly.
One thing that Versa Marketing has found true in the modern web world is that most sites live or die because of site ranking in the major search engines, cough - Google. Changes to the algorithm are ever-changing and almost anything written today has the possibility to be different tomorrow, but one thing is at the foundation and that is content. Remember that content is king and anything you do after the fact will be built on that foundation, so pick something to write about that you enjoy writing about.
Start visiting other sites that are writing about your shared subject of interest and follow what they are doing. If you found them, chances are, they are doing something that you want to do. Not only does this build a community of interest, but you will also build up traffic from this process and we constantly need to be thinking about building up more traffic before we have a viable site to run advertising on in any real volume.
Be real with your expectations. Developing a site will take six plus months of posting content and that is potentially a long time. Your site doesn't need to be a fancy professional fortune 500 style site. Stay focused on your interest and building a wealth of knowledge around that topic and if site development becomes an interest of yours down the road, then you can always expand upon your site.
To start off things easy, visit some of the easy to use sites for blog tools that take the technical aspects of having a site out of having a site and let you get up and running with a blog quickly. Check out Blogger or Wordpress if you haven't already done so. You can get into adding custom themes and using easy to use widgets as you get going over time.
Wordpress in particular is designed to be SEO friendly and you can help that by thinking about the keywords that you are using in your article. Don't go overboard here, but if you are writing about camping, then camping is your keyword, so go ahead and put the word camping in your keyword tags.
Post regularly about your topic and include some longer posts when you can. Vary your subject slightly so that you are writing about some less common aspects of your interest.
Then build your community of readers with an RSS feed, social bookmarking, social media posts, related blogs, article submissions and related forums. Share the love with other blogs that you like as well.
Begin monetizing your content niche site with affiliate programs. Create a company account with ShareaSale and look for programs that match your topic. If your topic is parenting, then look at the Birthday Keepsakes affiliate program offering 10% commission on personalized gifts for kids. Place banners prominently and include links (affiliate tracking links) in text.
Find a program manager that can suggest programs matching your niche affiliate site. Reach out to Versa Marketing's affiliate marketing team. :O)