Agencies and Versa have been busy marketing special holiday deals and offers to affiliates and the affiliate program. provides a competitive array of outdoor gear from top name brands, and is popular for active and outdoor enthusiasts.
Promoting as an affiliate offers you the access to exclusive deals and promotions as well as earn commissions on popular gear from the best name brands out there. Versa is very active in communicating these offers as well as picking hot products to tell affiliates about.
Outdoor gear is a very popular choice for holiday gifts as well as special holiday promotions from resellers. Make sure your account is active and ready to promote these popular items. Check the ads and your email for important new updates. And make sure to add to your holiday gift guides for last minute shoppers.
It’s a great time to join the affiliate program because we’re offering few affiliate exclusive deals. offers affiliate partners 9% commission, a 120 day referral period and special affiliate offers. All outdoor, camping, travel, hiking, backpacking, snow sports, hiking, mountaineering and other related sites are encouraged to join the affiliate program in CJ and AvantLink. Affiliate partners can sign up directly through the networks. Here is more information about affiliate marketing agencies and the services Versa offers.