Online colleges get a lot of attention in the edu lead space, but Versa sees the opportunity for affiliate program management in the traditional college path. Take for example, the In-State Angels Lead Program. In-State Angels’ mission is to help college students achieve in-state tuition in the fastest, most simple and legal way possible. Their aim is to eliminate the frustration associated with the in-state qualification process for students. They do all of the heavy lifting for their clients, and take care of paperwork and procedures every step of the way for them, whenever possible.
This is especially helpful for client families because the rules regarding in-state residency are often quite confusing and can change quickly and without notice. Additionally, institutions often assess steep penalties to students who do not complete their applications honestly or make a mistake in them. Some of these disciplinary actions by the school could include expulsion or retroactive reclassification of residency. In-State Angels helps students deal with these gray areas by navigating this confusing process for them, all while abiding by the school’s regulations and equally importantly, the law.
Out-of-state students can pay up to four to six times more than their in-state classmates. In-State Angels wants to help students avoid making that mistake by saving them thousands of dollars on tuition. That way, out-of-state students would be able to stop paying substantially more than their classmates do. In-State Angels is focused on eliminating the burden of student debt from the clients and their families. That way, students can focus more on school and their careers and less on trying to figure out how to pay off their enormous student loans after graduation.
In-State Angels guarantees that they will get their clients in-state tuition, or else their services are completely free. They are also able to guarantee that once In-State Angels helps a student achieve in-state status, they will keep it for the entire time that they are at school. This guarantee of success can make students feel more comfortable with using In-State Angels’ services without stressing.
In-State Angels works for free until they achieve in-state tuition. Following that, they charge a fraction of the savings each semester that the student benefits until graduation. As a result, In-State Angels is only able to make money when their clients are paying in-state rates, so they are motivated to help get in-state tuition as quickly as they possibly can. After their fees, In-State Angels are able to save undergrads up to $18,000 net per year, depending on the college.
Hiring an expert helps students and families remove anxiety from the process and allow the student to focus on school rather than trying figuring out the convoluted system of residency on their own. By having an In-State Angel on their side, clients can avoid having to become an expert on the rules and regulations of establishing residency.
In-State Angels is focused on getting students in-state tuition in the fastest way that is legally possible. They know that even one term or semester can make a huge difference in savings, so they work to achieve in-state tuition with a sense of urgency. The faster they work, the more money students can possibly save. Potential savings per semester can be up to $10,000.
They needed affiliate program management to develop a lead program to find new students interested in their services. Versa selected an affiliate tracking platform, developed media and landing page graphics, and identified affiliate partners for the program. The program is available on an invite-only basis to qualified edu affiliates.