Leadwerx, a top internet lead generation and aggregation platform is seeking affiliates to join their Insurance Lead Gen Program in the Affiliate Tracking Network. Leadwerx differs from other lead generation programs in that it only captures leads that match your search criteria. The company specializes in providing quality leads to their insurance clients.
One of their insurance clients provides Life Insurance. Life insurance is a lump-sum paid out to designated beneficiaries in the event of the insured's death. It helps cover the cost of funeral expenses and assists survivors with financial stability. Originally created for those with high risk jobs in mind, life insurance continues to provide the peace of mind that comes with knowing your family is protected to anyone with coverage. Life insurance has a wide audience in terms of age; anyone from age 18-80 years old can insure themselves. Affiliates discussing family finances, mortgage & mortgage loans, family planning and other related topics are encouraged to join the Leadwerx affiliate program for life insurance leads.
Leadwerx offers $18.00 per lead for Life Insurance, $15.00 per lead for Medicare Supplemental Insurance, and $13.50 per lead for Burial Insurance. Leadwerx does not accept incentivized or co-registration leads. There is a 30-day referral period for affiliates to receive compensation. Versa marketing is looking for affiliates to join the program, managed through the leading affiliate tracking platform, Affiliate Tracking Network (ATN).