Rocky Mountain Trail is the place to go if you are looking for outdoor gear like backpacks, jackets, tents, sleeping bags, camping accessories, stoves and more. They carry top name brands like The North Face, JanSport, Columbia, Patagonia, Marmot, Mountain Hardwear, Dakine, Kelty and many more.
Right now, you can find tons of great outdoor items on sale on If you’re looking for something sleek, and simple, yet appealing and desirable, check out the prAna Men’s Dolton Hoodie which is 30%. The Dolton Hoodie's neck snaps let you quickly adapt to temperature changes, like after settling in next to the fire after watching a vivid sunset, or wearing indoors during a weekend ski trip. The hoodie features 100% organic cotton to ensure your comfort is ethical.
Looking for a comfortable and flattering pair of yoga pants? The prAna Women's Alyson Knicker is cute and comfortable at the same time. A wide, flattering waistband artfully conceals a pocket for your keys. The Alyson's knicker length is ideal for muddy trails or feet searching for a foothold.
Rocky Mountain Trail is a Versa Marketing Affiliate and is managed in the AvantLink and Commission Junction programs.